Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Seattle.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
Cleaning up the internet BrandVerity finds the internet's bad guys who try to trick end users and make the internet feel unsafe. We create software as a service that help brands protect themselves, and their users, online. Our products include services for monitoring ads that are breaking ...
Analytics for personal relationships. Struggle with communicating through texting? Analyze your texting prowess, learn about your communication style, and become a better communicator.
IDInteract’s Demand Exchange™ platform identifies & converts market demand into revenue. Demand Exchange is a demand identification platform that let’s enterprise marketers identify and convert real-time consumer demand into revenue while respecting consumer privacy. Demand Exchange identifies consumer “demand signals” from multiple data sources such ...
LInkedIn Pulse + Klout for Sports Fanzo separates a signal from the noise through influencer-curated social news from more than 40-million fans (and rising). We rank sports fans and the content they share across Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Facebook public posts, generating the highest-ranked ...
Curiosumé - Because The Résumé Must Die Hacking the financial system with intangibles: Curiosumé is the first of 3 simple web applications that will reorganize society for the era of social capitalism. 1. Curiosumé - Because The Resumé Must Die. An analog to digital converter for knowledge assets. 2. ...
Humanity meets distributed computing Unoceros unlocks the hidden potential of mobile devices by valuing idle computing cycles. Cycles are organized through our mobile app to create computing infrastructure for data scientists working with performance computing type applications such as bioinformatics, ...
NoSQL management platform for private & public clouds ScaleGrid is a management solution for NoSQL databases on private and public clouds. ScaleGrid provides a central console to manage the entire lifecycle of databases including provisioning/deprovisioning, scale up/down, high availability, disaster recovery, upgrade, ...
Invite-only mailing list. We search the best weekend and long-haul flight deals so you can book before everyone else.
Smart energy procurement & management services. Expedia meets Mint for commercial energy. Cloud based smart energy procurement and management services that are targeted at the mid sized commercial customer. No hardware or software install, low ongoing costs and immediate savings. Our first product, Tariff Advisor provides comparative electric rate ...
Proactive analysis of your web app and infrastructure Graphdat provides a Saas platform that proactively analyses the performance of web applications and infrastructure. With per second data measurement, visualisation, trend alerting and anomaly detection Graphdat is orders of magnitude more granular than leading ...
YouTube with polls. Midzy is the platform of polls. Create, answer, or search a user-created database of rich questions and numeric feedback from around the world. Browse through live and ever-evolving data from the inquiries, and follow others that speak your lingo. Find out what ...
Analytics for Big Data DynamoBI drives out the cost and complexity of analytics on Big Data. We provide familiar SQL access to Big Data; adhoc, high performance access to near real time data; the ability to combine Big Data with information from other data sources; and access to Big ...
Visual Analytics for Everyone Tableau complements your natural ability to understand data visually. You can create rich analyses and share your insights with colleagues in just seconds,
The referral community Invitation App is a social network where people post their referral codes and collect rewards on autopilot.
Community Building Aggregator ActivateHub is an events-based social network for community building: Discover events, organizations & people working to impact your community. Use Cases: ActivateHub is currently in Beta in several communities. In Portland and Detroit, sites focus on civic engagement ...
Automatic cloud monitoring and management MetricsHub offers cloud monitoring that keeps web applications up and running for the lowest possible cost. MetricsHub tracks key metrics and takes automatic actions in order to save money on cloud hosting bills, time spent on server administration and improve ...
Transforming Travel Through Data flightSpeak makes travel less painful. We’re taking one of the most isolating & difficult parts of the travel experience – the airport, and making it easier. We’re consolidating information and socially connecting you with other travelers, helping you have a better ...
Think of us as Endeca 2.0 (Oracle bought Endeca for $1B) We're a cloud-based product discovery platform powered by the world’s most richly attributed usage-based product database/ontology covering millions of performance-based SKUs in product categories that account for > $1 trillion in NA retail sales. We license ...
Turn Social Data Into Warm Leads Socedo helps sales professionals leverage social media to discover leads and drive sales more effectively. Today, inside sales teams at B2B organizations manually build prospect lists and then cold call/email those potential buyers. Socedo automatically discovers ...
Customer Data Platform to Maximize SaaS Revenue Appuri is a Customer Data Platform that enables SaaS businesses to maximize revenue. Our Go To Market solution: Appuri Backstop(tm) is built upon our platform and provides Churn Prediction and Retention Management. Appuri's unique solution brings data from these ...
RESTful API providing access to hyper-localized grocery deals data and CPG data. SmartPea API is a RESTful API designed for developers who want to access hyper-localized grocery deals data and CPG data. We collect grocery deals information at real time from over 40 national retailers across US.
Powering Next Generation Travel Experiences Percept Labs develops technology to power next-generation travel and local experiences. We use Machine Learning, Text Mining and Big Data to extract and rank location entities (without any editorial/curation) using a global-scale inference engine. We are building ...
The Home Network Porch’s mission is to change the world one home at a time by making home improvement easy for homeowners. The Porch marketplace spans all 250 home improvement, maintenance, and repair categories across the nation. It allows homeowners to get inspired by viewing ...
Data platform for company training and performance Saltbox is a modern data platform for Learning & Development teams in large companies, providing the business insights they crave that current learning systems can't. We turn previously invisible data into useful business insights. Information moves fast in the ...
Spend wisely, reach goals, and worry less about money. TruBalance helps you take charge of your money. Know what you can spend today, tomorrow, and beyond. Spend wisely, reach your goals, and worry less about money.
Turning spreadsheets into real-time integration for the Ecommerce supply chain. "Venzee is ERP for the world." David Weekly, Google. The biggest challenge facing online retail today is that 90% of suppliers and manufacturers still use spreadsheets to share critical information about their products with their retailers. This means companies ...
The Most Accurate Bioinformatics Algorithms Elevator Pitch: Spiral Genetics makes the most innovative and accurate software for analyzing DNA. By providing highly accurate data, Spiral Genetics unlocks the ability to understand, detect, and diagnose the genetic mechanisms behind disease and metabolic pathways. Industry-leading ...
Customers as a Service FlyPaper is the world’s first Customers-as-a-Service (CaaS) product that combines the precision of big data ad targeting with customer acquisition. Using a success-based engagement model, FlyPaper builds customized look-a-like personas from a company's customer ...
Solving the mobile advertising puzzle Oversignal has created a proprietary new mobile ad category which enables over 30 trillion mobile ad impressions, more than Google and Facebook combined. Oversignal's ad system defeats click fraud which effects up to 50% of all mobile ad spend. Oversignal offers ...